Well, I’m sitting down thinking of all the things I need to do before I depart from home for just over a fortnight! All those things that I thought I had plenty of time to do but, like sand, time has slipped through my fingers. Help!!

I will not just be away from my wife but also our two dogs, one of which is a 9 month old puppy who sometimes resembles a velociraptor!! Do I feel guilty about going?? Well….., yes and no!! Yes, this is placing a great burden on my wife and I should have thought more about my timings (Thank you so much, my love). But….no, as I want to make a difference and help change people’s lives by raising money for worthy causes and charities. These people really need more of our support in these difficult times when everyone is watching their money providing less and less

But many small contributions often lead to large amounts raised and I’m proud of the money raised so far but I am hoping and praying for much more, so we can all make an impact in these testing days. There’s still time for us to make a difference!!
I’m not doing this for me, I’m doing it to make a difference and help people who require our support and encouragement. (See my ‘Ripples on the Lake’ Video on my ‘timbrucemusic’ YouTube channel).
I hope to put up a regular blog along with photos along the way, so everyone can join in my adventure across the UK. There will also be posts on Facebook and other social media channels. Watch this space!
Join me on this virtual start line!