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Timothy Bruce

Days 5-7 of Britain Tour

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Day 5 - Took me to Keynsham to help my eldest son (Dave) with his garden redesign, whilst socially distancing and measuring up qualities of concrete blocks, mortar, turf, hardcore, etc. etc. (40.7 miles)

I wore a rucksack as I needed a change of clothes, plus I took some tools with me. One of which was a lump-hammer weighing over a kilogramme. Thankfully, I was able to leave this at Dave's home!!

Day 6 - A short ride close to home (16.8 miles)

Day 7 - Another ride close to home (24.4 mile)

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One, but the next day would see three!! (I was the equivalent of being close to Poole on the South Coast of England)

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